PowerBI Dashboards
Power BI
This page shows the Power BI projects that I have created in my academic and professional work. Samples below contain publicly available data.
COVID-19 Long Term Care Data Dashboard
This project was created to support the MDHHS long term care data reporting live on their website. I joined this project in early 2023 and recreated an existing dashboard that was made in Tableau into a PowerBI format. This was done to ease the integration process. The dashboard went live in March and was regularly updated until mid-May. This change was due to changing data reporting requirements.
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by County
This past semester, I had the pleasure of taking a course on health informatics. We were tasked with creating an entire interactive dashboard using Power BI. This is my first experience using the software, and I have to say it is a lot of fun to play around with. After learning some of the ins and outs of exporting and transforming data, formatting beautiful visualizations came surprisingly easy.
The dashboard featured here is a re-imagining of the State’s current COVID-19 dashboard. I began with recreating the content they already provide. This entire project was made using the publicly available data files on the SOM’s website. In the last tab, I incorporated the CDC’s community level data that they provide for each state. I included this as the data provided is made comparable by population standardization, and increasingly, it seems that officials are looking to these levels specifically for policy guidance.
To view the dashboard in full screen you can use the link here. Below is the embedded dashboard. Enjoy!